Website Tidy

It’s coming to the end of the year and I suddenly realised I’ve not got round to loads of things on my ‘Nice Ideas’ list for this year, one of which was to tidy my website. Aargh. Action Stations!

Towards the end of last week, I sat down and had a really good think about what I wanted my website to do. It’s not rocket science: It has to show my work at its best so editors, authors, galleries and whoever else is interested in looking can get a good grasp of what my work is really all about. So I’ve taken out the big, waffly ‘work’ section and split it into to simple ‘Portfolio’ and ‘Sketchbook’ sections. In the Portfolio part, you’ll find more polished pieces of illustration; the Sketchbook part is experiments, drawing from life and scrappy bits that I quite like. The images are just there, not linked to anything just yet, and there’s not much explanation; just images to look at.

Hope that explains it. If you want more explanation on anything you see here, please just ask me.


A Year in Review


1/2 Marathon!