The Good Ship Illustration


I won’t go into 2020 too much, suffice to say it’s been for me as it has been for many ‘A crazy and unprecedented time.’ However, I’m grateful for two things. Firstly; health, and beyond measure our NHS and the fact my family and I have stayed well so far.

Secondly I’m grateful and happy that the lovely folk at The Good Ship Illustration launched their first online course in May of this year ‘Fly Your Freak Flag.’ (Katie Chappel, Helen Stephens and Tania Willis) Hooray!

I must admit, I was a teeny bit anxious about an online course. Would it be the same experience as going into a studio full of other students? But I needn’t have worried. I loved every single second, and it’s clear how much time and thought has been put into a really effective and engaging learning experience.

The Good Ship Illo is module based, with each task released weekly over six weeks. There’s also a zoom meeting weekly to support what you’re doing and a Facebook group to share your work, if you choose to do so. There’s no deadlines and no crits (yasss) You’re free to get on with each task as you like, your own pace.

However, it’s a properly challenging course. Each of the modules goes deep to draw out your strongest, most natural way of working. Illustration is a trendy medium with fads and styles coming and going, so it’s easy to be influenced and feel you should be working in a certain way. However, The Good Ship’s ethos is to have confidence in YOUR working method. That way you’ll enjoy making work more, and hopefully, get more work doing what you enjoy.

I’ve felt a marked improvement in my drawing skill and a new confidence the style I have. This is the way I work - I’m not big on fine detail, but I like tone and texture and atmosphere. I like playing with scale and most of all I REALLY love observational drawing.

I recommend this course for anyone, at any stage of their illustration career - whether you’re starting out or if you’re a seasoned professional and you want a refresh.

I can’t wait to put all I’ve learned into practice!


Drawing in Space

